Efficiency in cancer care

All.Can is committed to efficiency in cancer care. By working with all stakeholders, we aim to achieve our goal: better health outcomes for cancer patients. This is why we focus on finding, supporting and sharing evidence-based and measurable ways to improve cancer care.


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‘Our app Je Me GèRe gives patients greater autonomy’

According to feedback that UCL Saint-Luc collected from patients via its “Je Me GèRe” (JMGR) app, fatigue may be the biggest factor indirectly impacting the quality of life of people living with cancer. We talked to Frédéric Maddalena about the app’s impact and the new features that are available since…

Working together for efficient cancer care

All.Can Belgium is committed to efficiency in cancer care. But what exactly does that mean?

The All.Can Cancer Efficiency Metrics Study (2022) provides an answer to this question. Eight key metrics emerge from this comprehensive international study. These metrics can be used to assess and improve efficiency in cancer care.

  1. 1 Time to diagnosis
  2. 2 Percentage of cancers diagnosed through emergency presentation
  3. 3 Primary care interval
  4. 4 Time from tissue diagnosis to treatment
  5. 5 Percentage of patients documented as having seen a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)
  6. 6 Percentage of patients who received chemotherapy in the last 14 days of life
  7. 7 Patient experience
  8. 8 Patient involvement in decision-making

Working together for efficient cancer care

All.Can Belgium is committed to efficiency in cancer care. But what exactly does that mean?

The All.Can Cancer Efficiency Metrics Study (2022) provides an answer to this question. Eight key metrics emerge from this comprehensive international study. These metrics can be used to assess and improve efficiency in cancer care.

  1. 1 Time to diagnosis
  2. 2 Percentage of cancers diagnosed through emergency presentation
  3. 3 Primary care interval
  4. 4 Time from tissue diagnosis to treatment
  5. 5 Percentage of patients documented as having seen a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)
  6. 6 Percentage of patients who received chemotherapy in the last 14 days of life
  7. 7 Patient experience
  8. 8 Patient involvement in decision-making

All.Can Belgium uses these eight parameters to set up and evaluate projects. For example, our ‘Get Checked Early’ campaign emphasises the importance of timely diagnosis and therefore ties in with the first parameter (time to diagnosis).


‘Our app Je Me GèRe gives patients greater autonomy’

According to feedback that UCL Saint-Luc collected from patients via its “Je Me GèRe” (JMGR) app, fatigue may be the biggest factor indirectly impacting the quality of life of people living with cancer. We talked to Frédéric Maddalena about the app’s impact and the new features that are available since…

Cancer care: the future is now (6 November 2024)

Are you curious about what cancer care in Belgium will look like in the future? Then be sure to mark your calendar for November 6, 2024. On this day, All.Can Belgium will host the conference "Cancer Care: The Future is Now," focusing on the oncological (r)evolution in the 21st century…