Steps towards a better cancer prevention, a more qualitative care, and an improved quality of life.

    At All.Can Belgium, we’re deeply committed to making cancer care more efficient. The eight core metrics from the All.Can Efficiency Metrics Study serve as our guiding principles.

    Cancer care continues to evolve at an unprecedented speed. This progress offers new hope to cancer patients and their loved ones and allows us to envision an optimistic future in which more cancer types can be cured or pushed into a prolonged remission.

    To maximize the potential benefits from these continued innovations in cancer care, there is a need for an action plan that integrates and coordinates the different aspects of the fight against cancer. To this end, the Belgian cancer plan was launched in 2008. However, after more than 15 years, this plan needs an update.

    In this light, All.Can Belgium has formulated several policy priorities for the years to come. In brief, these priorities are built around four axes:

    1. Invest in primary prevention, early detection, and cancer screening
    2. Improve the access to high quality care
    3. Facilitate timely access to novel treatment options for cancer patients
    4. Support clinical and translational research in oncology to safeguard Belgium’s leading position in oncological research

    We have also translated these four priorities into a call to action with 11 specific recommendations.

    This way, we want to help in setting the direction for the cancer policy during the next governmental term. All these recommendations start from a Belgian context, but at the same time, consider the priorities put forward in Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.

    We invite you to discover our call to action, as well as our extensive memorandum.

    Together we can make a difference.

    Discover our call to action here

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