It is with immense sadness that we share the devastating news of the passing of our beloved member of All.Can Belgium , Florence Duvieusart, on July 31st.

    Florence was the co-founder of ALK+ Belgium, she was a member of our Lung Cancer Working Group, and an active member of All.Can Belgium.
    But above and beyond, she was a mother, a wife, and a diplomat.
    Florence departed peacefully, surrounded by those she loved.
    Throughout her journey, she demonstrated immeasurable strength and courage. For five years, she insisted on living each moment to the fullest, making each day a “bonus of life”, as she liked to say.

    We were lucky to have her join our mission, and we were all witness of her dedication to raising awareness and recognition of her ALK+ cancer, still known too little.

    During this difficult time, we extend our deepest condolences to Florence´s family and loved ones.
    We will honour Florence´s memory by continuing her work on lung cancer awareness , including ALK+ cancer , to ensure optimal outcomes for all patients, and to take away the stigma still so present today.

    Rest in peace, dear Florence. We are forever grateful to have been part of your journey.

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