Minister of Public Health and Social Affairs supports #getcheckedearly

01 October 2022

The #GetCheckedEarly campaign focuses on early detection of cancer and focuses on testicular cancer, sarcoma and breast cancer in young adults and adolescents. Minister Vandenbroucke supports our initiative and calls on young people to get checked in time. Because early detection can save lives.

    The aim of our #getcheckedearly campaigns is clear, says Professor Dr Ahmad Awada, chair of the board of All.Can Belgium: “to raise #awareness among young people about #earlydiagnosis of #breastcancer , #testicularcancer and #sarcoma to #savelives.”

    “To achieve this goal, it is essential to use all modern means of communication to make the awareness campaign a success.”

    We are grateful to our minister of Public Health and Social Affairs Frank #vandenbroucke for his support. Together we can close the gaps and bring more #efficiency to all aspects of #cancercare , starting with a timely diagnosis.

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