Survivorship: Adjusting to life with or after cancer

30 september 2022

Op 30 september 2022 organiseerde All.Can Belgium het webinar ‘Survivorship: Adjusting to life with or after cancer’. Een panel van 6 belangrijke dokters, professoren en wetenschappers sprak er over de lichamelijke, mentale, emotionele, sociale en financiële effecten van kanker. Herbekijk de webinar op YouTube

    “Will my cancer come back?”

    “Will I ever be carefree again?”

    “Where can I find the psychosocial care I need?”

    “What about the side-effects of the treatment?”

    In cancer, #survivorship focuses on the health and well-being of a person with cancer from the time of diagnosis until the end of life. This includes the physical, mental, emotional, social, and financial effects of cancer that begin at diagnosis and continue through treatment and beyond.
    ⏰All.Can Belgium will host a #webinar on this essential topic on september 30th in the afternoon.

    “As a society we should start to embrace rather than to stigmatize cancer survivors”, says Professor Bart Neyns, Head of Department, dept. of Medical Oncology, Oncology Center, Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel and Clinical professor, Faculty of Medicine, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)Brussels, Belgium.

    Professor Neyns will be one of our speakers at our webinar on september 30th at 2 pm “Survivorship: Adjusting to life with or after cancer”

    “The current inequalities in access to supportivecare are unacceptable. It’s time for action” , says Régine Kiasuwa,MPH PhD, who contributed to chapter 5 of the Cancer Barometer 2021 on cancer survivorship.

    Régine Kiasuwa will be part of of the panel at our webinar
    “There is a need for personalizedcare after cancertreatment “, says Professor Dr Anne Rogiers, Boardmember at All.Can Belgium, head of department of Cognitive Remediation Clinic, Psychiatry Department, University Nursing Center Brugmann of CHU Brugmann and affiliated with the Oncological Research Center, VUB.

    Professor Rogiers will talk about this in our live webinar on survivorship on September 30th.
    “Survivorship is a second chance: don’t look back, have faith, be grateful and embrace life”, says Marianne Bosman, who is a survivor herself, and part of the board of Melanoompunt

    We are grateful that Marianne will share her experience with us during our  live webinar on #survivorship on september 30th.
    #efficiency in #cancercare is possible only when the patient is at the heart of everything we do 🙏🏾♥️

    “A lot of progress is being made in #cancertherapy with #personalisedmedicine . The care for survivors needs to be personalized too”, says Professor Dr Ahmad Awada, head of medical oncology department at Institut Jules Bordet.

    Professor Awada, who is also the chair of the board of All.Can Belgium, will be part of our panel discussing #survivorship on friday september 30th at our #livewebinar .

    Cancer patients should not pay twice and getting back to a normal life is crucial for cancer survivors”, says Françoise Meunier, member of the Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine and of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences , and advocate for the #rightobeforgotten for #cancersurvivors.


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