All.Can Belgium unites voices via its #GetCheckedEarly Campaign for World Cancer Day

04 februari 2023

Op 4 februari 2023, World Cancer Day, heeft All.Can Belgium de #GetCheckedEarly-campagne gelanceerd. Deze campagne richt zich op vroegdetectie en focust op kankers zoals teelbalkanker, sarcoom en borstkanker bij jongvolwassenen en adolescenten. Het doel is het bewustzijn te vergroten en te benadrukken dat vroegtijdige detectie levens kan redden.

    AllCan Belgium unites voices via its #GetCheckedEarly Campaign for World Cancer Day.

    Brussels, Belgium – Today is World Cancer Day, and AllCan Belgium is joining the global effort to #closethecaregap by launching the GetCheckedEarly campaign. The theme of this year’s World Cancer Day is “Closing the Care Gap,” with the goal of mobilizing individuals to take action and work together against cancer.

    AllCan Belgium has identified a clear care gap, with some cancers such as #breastcancer being diagnosed at a more advanced stage in young adults and adolescents compared to older generations. To address this issue, AllCan Belgium has launched a campaign to promote #earlydetection of cancer and raise #awareness about the early warning signals.

    The #GetCheckedEarly campaign involves Higher Education Institutions, companies, and individuals taking ownership of the message that early detection can save lives. Institutions are being mobilized to spread the message and set up working groups, with medical doctors, students,and teachers united in their efforts to encourage people to act.

    The campaign also includes a portal with short videos by medical experts and testimonials from patients,encouraging everyone to get checked when anomalies are detected, such as lumps,persistent pain, or skin changes. These messages have already reached over 750.000 Belgians and will continue to be promoted online over the next 6 months, with the goal of reaching over 1,5 million young adults and adolescents. The campaign focusses on #breastcancer, #testicularcancer and #sarcoma .

    As Professor Dr. Awada,Chair of AllCan Belgium, states: “By sensitizing young people, we #savelives .” The #GetCheckedEarly campaign is about closing the care gap for people between 18 years and 39 years old. By uniting voices, together we can save lives.

    For more information, please visit or contact Let’s work together to close the care gap and save lives.

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